Have you ever wondered what it takes to bring a CCT show to the stage? The answer is a lot of very hard working volunteers. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, CCT runs off the countless hours and dedication of volunteers from Pendleton and many of our surrounding communities. If you’ve enjoyed CCT productions in the past and would like to be involved, now is your chance! Listed below are just a few of the volunteer opportunities that we have here at CCT. If you would like additional information on how to get involved in any of these capacities or you would simply like to stay updated about the happenings at CCT, please contact us or fill out our volunteer application.

CCT is looking for individuals interested in serving on our Board of Directors! Choose one of the buttons below to download and fill out the application:
Completed applications should be emailed to contact@collegecommunitytheatre.com.
Some of the many volunteer opportunities available at CCT
Intermission/Concessions Help – All proceeds of the intermission concessions sales go back to helping CCT produce shows during the season, but more than that it helps provide comfort to our patrons. We need help making or procuring concessions, setting up and manning the table as well as clean up.
Front-Of-House Volunteers assist our House Manager before curtain time, greeting patrons, and seating our theater guests. We are always looking for help in this area—we can never have enough.
Special Events Help our fundraising committee with setup, greeting, and service at our special events that are so essential in supporting College Community Theatre.
Work crew Volunteers Have a knack for building, painting, sewing, etc.? Please let us know what areas or skills you want to put to use getting a production ready for opening night.
Stage and Tech crew Volunteers Want to be in the play, but not IN the play? Ever want to know how it all comes together? Tech crew helps plan, set, and operate lights, sound, and any special effects a show has, while Stage crew members move set pieces, keep track of props, and a whole host of other duties that bring the magic of the stage to life.
If you would like to volunteer time in any of these areas of CCT, please fill out the volunteer application.